Thursday, 4 February 2016

CAUTION! Think twice before joining GreenShareCar!

If you are looking for a car share membership, you have to consider again before joining GreenShareCar membership.

On their homepage they advertise that there is no joining fee. That is "literally" true, but not really. When you join the membership, you do not have to pay any fee for joining. Thus there is no joining fee. However, they will charge you "Termination of Membership / Plan" fee no matter how often or how long you have used their cars.

Be aware that you will be charged $55 when you quit the membership, no exceptions. Everyone should pay $55 to terminate this membership!

This crucially important information, however, cannot be found anywhere on their website. You can find it only in their Membership User Agreement PDF file, on the last page, as the last element in the fee/charge table.

If you do not want to pay for $55 termination fee, do not go for this company!

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